The Company BTC
LSEZ company “Baltic Transshipment Center” SIA (SIA “BTC”) is established in June 1999 and is owned by Scandagra Group AB, which is in turn owned by biggest Swedish cooperative Lantmännen and Danish cooperative Dansk Landbrugs Grovvareselskab.
BTC is renting an area of 84 500 m2 and has a warehouse complex of 12 000 m2 for storage of about 36 000 – 40 000 mt goods in bulk as well as covered storing area of 2500 m2 for bags, pallets and big-bags.
BTC has own quay of about 130 m in length with a draft up to 7 m. It allows to perform cargo handling operations in ‘direct way’ – from/to ship into/from wagons.
In 2016 were performed cleaning works of Karosta channel, allowing BTC to load / unload bigger size vessels (up to 12 000 mt in a vessel instead of normally practiced 3500-5000 mt)
In autumn 2016 BTC received GMP+ certificate corresponding to GMP+ B3 standards.
BTC has own direct railway line onto site, combined railway wagon and truck weighbridge, own cranes, loading and unloading facilities for ships, railway wagons and trucks. Capacity of railroads 52 wagons.